Instruction manual - Pizzicato 3.6.2 EN569 - Revision of 2013/05/29



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The global view

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How to open the global view? [Beginner] [Professional] [Composition Light] [Composition Pro]

The global view is not a new window. It is located inside the score view. It is an extension of the linear mode used to display the staves. The idea behind this new view is to have access to the most important tools existing in several different Pizzicato windows. By having these music controls and tools all inside the same window, you can compose music much easier, as you do not need to open and close several different windows, each time adjusting their positions to accomodate your screen and see what you need to display.

To open the global view, just open the normal score view. On the score window tool bar, you can select the Global item in the Linear/Page/Global menu.

In this lesson, we will explain the various parts of this window. You will notice that most of these parts duplicate the functions of another Pizzicato window or tool. So in explaining the various parts, we will make a summary of these functions and refer you to the lessons that give more details about them. The real contribution of this window is to assemble in one view most of the practical tools you need to compose music efficiently. It tries to offer you the best of the Pizzicato tools in one single window.

The main header bar [Beginner] [Professional] [Composition Light] [Composition Pro]

The main header bar is the upper part of the content of the window. It is located just below the main tool bar of the score window:

Each chord is displayed with 3 icons. You can modify and manipulate the chords in several ways:

If you click again on the same button, this chord area is hidden. You can display it or hide it according to the work you are doing in your composition. You will note that any change made with this tool will directly affect the chord symbols displayed inside the score itself.

You can also double-click the button. This will open the chords progression window, as explained in the lesson entitled The chords progression window.

In Pizzicato Professional and Composition, you can also drag and drop an harmonic space from the library into the chords area. It will then be possible to select chords according to the rules of the harmonic space. With a right-click you can then select another chord that respects the rules to follow the previous chord. See the lesson on Harmonic spaces in the manual for all details (Pizzicato Professional and Composition only).

Regarding harmonic spaces, once you have added an harmonic space into the chord area, you can edit it with a CTRL+click on the button (the harmonic space editor window appears) or delete it with a SHIFT + click on the same button.

You can resize this area vertically by clicking and moving the gray bar just below this area.

These scales are assigned automatically, but with this global view, you can select which one to use by right-clicking on one of the scales. Pizzicato will list the main scales that fit the chord and you can then select it from the menu. These scales influence the coloring of notes and also several Pizzicato Professional and Composition tools.

In Pizzicato Professional and Composition Pro, you can also drag chords and scales from the music composition libraries (Conductor view) and drop them respectively in the chords and scale areas. You can double-click a scale in the scale area and change its root note.

The measure numbers help you to locate measures. The upper gray lane above it may contain customized markers, with a name and a color. Double-click in that lane, around the beginning of measure 2. The following dialog appears:

Fill it with the text "Introduction" and select a green color in the small white square. Then click OK. The marker is displayed:

You can add markers with a double-click. If you right-click an existing marker, a contextual menu proposes to modify it (text and color) or delete it. You can also drag the left border of a marker to shift it in time.

Markers help you to locate various parts of your composition.

The following operations may be performed inside this audio track area:

Only Pizzicato Professional and Composition Pro can have more than one audio track.

Here is a summary of how to use this dialog:

When you validate the dialog, only the staves displayed in the right list will be displayed in the global view. This is used to decide for instance to display only the strings of an orchestral score when you want to work on them separately.

This means that the aspect of the global view, as you choose which areas to display, is stored in this first memory. This includes the chords, scales and audio tracks areas as well as the selection of visible staves. This also includes all the setup of what is displayed within each staff, as we will explain further in this lesson. All this setup is stored in the current memory.

A memory setup is by default displaying all staves and nothing else. Once you have setup the global view to display for instance the chords and audio tracks, the brass and percussion staves of your orchestral composition, you may then click on the second memory button. This resets the global view to its default setup. You can then use the second memory for instance to work the woodwinds. Then you select memory setup 3 and prepare it for instance to see all volume effects, for each staff.

While working your music composition, you can switch between those three prepared configurations, just by using the above memory buttons.

The advantage is that everything is aligned horizontally. The beginning of the dotted half note is aligned with the beginning of the graphic line that represents it. Same for the 16th notes. The inconvenient is that the scale of the graphic editor is very different from beat to beat and it makes it harder to enter music using the graphic editor, as the width of each beat varies greatly to follow the music notation.

By activating the icon, Pizzicato disconnects the two scales and the graphic editor displays a fixed and regular scale:

The inconvenient is that the graphic lines are no more aligned with music notation. You can switch from one option to the other, according to the type of work you are doing. Usually, the second choice is more efficient to enter music with the graphic editor.

The staff header bar [Beginner] [Professional] [Composition Light] [Composition Pro]

Once you have decided which instruments to display, the rest of the global view will display a tool bar for each instrument. This tool bar is the following:

Some of these buttons are only visible in the advanced versions of Pizzicato.

You can resize that area vertically by moving the lower separation gray bar. You can also zoom in and out to increase the precision level. All other areas will zoom in and out accordingly. By resizing an area while holding down the CTRL key, all other notation areas will be affected in the same way.

You can hide the staff and work only with other areas, as we will see below.

If you click on this icon while holding down the CTRL key, the modification (hiding or showing the staff) is applied to all visible instruments. You can quickly hide or show every staves.

Basically, it is the same as the one described in the lesson on the graphic editor. When notes are present in the staff, this editor will look like this:

Here is a summary of the operations you can do with it:

If you click on the icon while holding down the CTRL key, the modification (hiding or showing the graphic view) is applied to all visible instruments.

Basically, it is very similar to the musical effect view. Here is a summary on how it works.

These sliders are represented as graphic areas. You can click in them and adjust the value of the green area to fix the value of the slider. These sliders and values are all duplicates of the instrument view. When they are displayed here, you can have an easy access to adjust these values.

If you click on the icon while holding down the CTRL key, the modification (hiding or showing the sliders) is applied to all visible instruments.

You may drag and drop virtual instruments from the Pizzicato (Professional and Composition) music libraries to that area and you can double-click them to edit them. With the Beginner version, you can only see the associated instrument. You can assign virtual instruments to the staves with the Edit, Assign virtual instruments to staves... icon.

In the Professional and Composition versions, you can also move the limit between two virtual instruments, simply by dragging the limit with the mouse.

If you click on the icon while holding down the CTRL key, the modification (hiding or showing the virtual instruments) is applied to all visible instruments.

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