Instruction manual - Pizzicato 3.6.2 EN500 - Revision of 2013/05/29





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The text tool

Subjects covered:

Watch also the following video:

Creation of a text block [Light] [Beginner] [Professional] [Notation] [Composition Light] [Composition Pro] [Drums and Percussion] [Guitar] [Choir] [Keyboard] [Soloist]

It is often useful to add an indication in a measure, to specify the way to play or an action which must be done by the performer. When you do the page layout, you may add a title in the score and page numbers. All this can be done with the text tool.

This dialog box is used to introduce all characteristics of a new text block. Write the words Text example in the large blank area. It is the text that will appear on the score.

The left list contains the various fonts among those available on your computer. It will not necessarily be the same list as above.

The little menu located next to the word Justify lets you select between 4 modes : justify the text on the right, on the left, in the center or left and right. This is used when you introduce several lines of text. Pizzicato will align them as required.

The top left multiple choice specifies how the text block is managed. Leave it now on On measure 1 of staff 2. We will come back to this option further. Click OK. The first two measures become:

The text block was added with its top left corner where you clicked, with the requested font, colour and characteristics.

With the "+" and "-" buttons, you can zoom in and out in to edit the text more easily.

In the font selection box, you can also select the script, which means the set of characters used, for instance in Hebrew, Greek or Arabic.

Moving, modifying and erasing a text block [Light] [Beginner] [Professional] [Notation] [Composition Light] [Composition Pro] [Drums and Percussion] [Guitar] [Choir] [Keyboard] [Soloist]

A rectangle shows the text block shape, exactly as it was the case for the symbols. Notice that you are not forced to activate these reference marks to modify, erase or move blocks of text or symbols. These reference marks are there only to help you locate the text block area or the symbol.

To move, modify or erase a text block, the text tool or the arrow tool must be activated. Move now this text area to the left, as you would have done for a symbol. The block follows your movement.

To modify the text contained in this block, double-click inside its borders. The text block dialog box comes back and allows you to modify it. Click OK.

This is a nice little text
intended to show what is
justification of a text block
in the Pizzicato program

As the text is justified on both sides, Pizzicato does not take into account the line breaks and organizes the text so that it is in the width of the block. You can test by yourself what the other justification modes give.

Adding a title / Page numbers [Light] [Beginner] [Professional] [Notation] [Composition Light] [Composition Pro] [Drums and Percussion] [Guitar] [Choir] [Keyboard] [Soloist]

The text blocks which we added were automatically associated with the nearest measure to the location where you clicked to add them. When you do a page layout or if you move measures around, these text blocks will move with measures and keep the same position compared to their reference measure. The multiple choice located in the upper part of the dialog box lets you associate a text block with a page, so as to create a title and a page number.

Pizzicato selected by default the second choice, showing that the text block belongs to the first staff second measure. For a title, this text block must be independent of any measure. Check the first choice On page 1. This block will thus be attached to page 1 and will not move with a page layout or any measures displacement. Notice that it will not be visible in linear mode.

The third choice is used to associate the text block to a range of pages. It is useful for example to number the pages or indicate a copyright notice.

In the case of a page text block, you can specify if the text is displayed on even pages and/or odd pages.

For a block associated with a page (first and third choices), you can specify the type of the block with a multiple choice:

The Do not move option prevents from moving the text block, which is then fixed to the page.

The Center on page option fixes the horizontal position of the block at the horizontal center of the page.

Just below, it is possible to fix the space between lines for a block with several lines.

The Copy button memorizes the text block and its characteristics. After that, when creating a new text block, the Paste button lets you copy the same text and characteristics as the block previously copied.

Fill in "Score title" in the large text area. Select the Times New Roman font, size 16 and select the Bold style. Click OK. The score becomes:

We will now add a page number. Place the cursor as follows:

and type the shortcut "t" on the keyboard. Take the third choice, From page 1 to page X (last page). Select the Times New Roman font, size 10, normal, and check the Underlined option. In the main text area of the dialog box, fill in "- $1 -". The "$1" group specifies to Pizzicato that it must replace these 2 characters by the number of the current page. You could also indicate "Page $1" or any other text which contains the $1 group. Each time Pizzicato finds this group in a text block, it replaces it to display the current page number. Click OK and disable the reference marks. The score becomes:

The $ sign is used to add a parameter to the text block. There are presently 3 possible values:


As an exercise, place your name below the title, slightly to the right. In the top left corner, write in very small characters: Printed with Pizzicato.

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