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Pizzicato Music Software Users Forum

06/11/2008 20:15 - Various questions

Hi, Dominique, and thanks for your email.

I was able to install the demo - thanks for asking. I was once a fairly trained musician and haven't done anything at all with music for around 20 years. I'm looking for software that will help me get back to composing and maybe a little music theory also.

So this connects to my first question: I have also looked at Finale Software products and am wondering how Pizzicato is the same and different from the different Finale applications. Is there something you can tell me or something I can read to compare the different options?

Also, a few more questions:
1) Can I export to mp3 and wav files from the software?
2) I have scores in PDF format. Would the software be able to import the PDF version into something I could edit?
3) For music I have already recorded but not scored, can the software transcribe from the recorded version?
4) I'm guessing that any midi keyboard would work with the software, but please let me know if there are any special requirements.
5) Finally, I don't have a fast/new computer. Is the software ok with a computer running XP and 128 meg RA or will it run fairly slowly.

many thanks for all your time in responding -

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