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2010/04/26 01:55 - Buggy behavior of graphic editor


On my installation of Pizicatto 3.5, and earlier versions,a flute melody which ranges from, say C2 to C4 will "miss out on the upper part the that range." The notes can be heard but not seen or editable. One can edit the notes that are visible.

Is this a common problem with a fix?


Ralph - US

Answer to this message...

2010/10/23 11:24 - RE : Buggy behavior of graphic editor

Hello Ralph,

In fact, you can click and drag the left part of this window, where the note names are located. This will shift the range of visible notes up or down, giving access to the invisible notes. You can also increase the height of that window (or that lane in the global view).

Dominique - Belgique


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