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2009/09/20 23:32 - Instruments and families lists

Since installing Pizzicato I have been using the computer's onboard Sound Card - the
Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth. I have recently,
by way of a change, MIDIed up my Technics KN1500
keyboard - no problems with the MIDI setup.
However, on reverting to the Microsoft
Wavetable Synth, and clicking up the Instrument
View Window we seem to have 'Lost' the Family and Instrument fields - the Synth plays but all staves play the basic Piano channel. Your advice on how to restore them would be much appreciated.

Answer to this message...

2009/09/21 09:18 - RE : Instruments and families lists

Hi ,

Go in the MIDI Setup item of the Options menu and double-click the MIDI port associated to the Microsoft GS synth. In the list below, you must select the "GS" list. Pizzicato takes the list of sounds from that selection. If it does not change the instruments view, then close and reopen the document and it should then adapt it to the GS list of sounds.

Dominique - ARPEGE, Belgium


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