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2008/12/04 22:18 - FORMULAIRE SUPPORT - EN I have downloaded v3.3.1 pending delivery of purchased package (beginner). I have a problem making WAV output file. It all seems to work but the resulting file is silent (Windows Media player running on XP Pro) and other software. The file size seems OK. Any ideas? Peter Marshall
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2008/12/05 12:03 - RE : FORMULAIRE SUPPORT - EN Hi Peter,
This means that the audio recording source is not properly selected. Here is how to do it.
The way Pizzicato will create the audio file is the following. When Pizzicato plays the score, it uses the sound card synthesizer or a software synthesizer to play the notes. The resulting sound is present at the output of the sound card and that is the sound you hear. This is also the sound that will be recorded in the audio file.
So that Pizzicato has the possibility to access this sound channel on Windows XP or 2000, you should do the following:
In the Start menu, select Programs, then Accessories, Entertainment, Volume control. The volume control window appears. In its Options menu, select Properties. In the frame entitled Adjust volume select Recording or Record. In the list, see that the line "What you hear" or "Stereo Mix" or something similar is checked and click on OK. This input means exactly that: all sounds that come out of the speaker of the sound card will be recorded. See that the Select check box is checked under the slider of the column named "What you hear" in the recording control window and that this slider has enough volume. Go back to Pizzicato. This setup should normally not change after you have prepared it, but be aware that other programs may change it. If Pizzicato does not record sound as expected, check it again.
Dominique - ARPEGE, Belgium