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Subscribe to the Free Monthly Newsletter About Computer Application for Music Composition!

Each month, you will receive an article on music composition and practical applications with a computer. Articles can be easily understood by amateur musicians. You will find in them practical application to teach yourself how to compose your own music.

No need to master harmonic theory or to be an expert in computer software to understand them!

Each letter contains:

  • An article on a subject related to music composition and software,
  • Examples of Pizzicato applications,
  • Tips and advices on how to use Pizzicato,
  • A music lesson,
  • Some news and various offers

In addition to its editorial contents on music composition and software, it allows people who downloaded the free demo or who bought Pizzicato to use it more efficiently.

It keeps you informed about the innovations of music software and explains to you the various aspects of it and the new realities which musicians will more and more confront in the future. Keep up with the current state of music software, stay connected!

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Pizzicato Professional

Pizzicato Notation

Pizzicato Composition Pro

Pizzicato Beginner

Pizzicato Keyboard

Pizzicato Choir

Pizzicato Guitar

Pizzicato Soloist

Pizzicato Drums and Percussion

Pizzicato Composition Light

Pizzicato Light

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